Theoretical forms of the educational environment in the context of knowledge economy.
educational environment, educational space, education, knowledge economy, educational system, family education, home studyAbstract
The article covers the essence of the educational environment concept in terms of the institutional aspect of understanding the phenomenon. Analyzed the formation and development of the concept of “learning environment”. Identified differences in the concepts of “learning environment”, “educational environment”, “education”, “educational system” and “family education”. Considered approaches to identifying the content of the educational environment. Тhe article explains the functios of educational environment. The model of educational environment is composed of the following structural components: personal, competent, informative, communicative, axiological, spatial, objective, organizational and active. Characterized the main factors necessary to create a favorable educational environment. In the article the value of economy of knowledges is considered in the context of globalizations them calls. The views of the contemporary scientists towards principles, based on which the development of the knowledge economy is made, have been studied.References
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