Human resources of new economy: key components and efficiency of regulation.
human resources, new economy, knowledge, intelligence, creativity, educational potential, competitiveness, innovative developmentAbstract
In the article the priority directions of the regulation of human resources of the new economy are identifies. The features of the mutual influence of the development processes of the economy of a new type and the formation of human resources in the context of perspective requirements for their quality are established, which determines not only efficiency in traditional types of labor, but the ability to learn and build, search for alternative options for combining resources to successfully adapt to their own needs and generating new knowledge. It is determined that the totality of intelligence, inspiration and intuition comprehensively determine a person’s ability to produce productive, creative work, the ultimate goal of which is the creation of knowledge - the basic resource for the growth of a new economy. It is substantiated that an important direction in the regulation of the human resources of the new economy is to ensure the competitiveness of the economy through the spread of knowledgeintensive activities and opportunities for innovative development. The key guidelines for the formation of human resources for the new economy were identified: the concept of lifelong learning is acquiring new aspects, according to which learning does not end with obtaining formal qualifications, provided that the approved educational institution program is fully implemented, but naturally accompanies the person in the workplace and at home; it is crucial to cultivate an innovative type of thinking and culture through the introduction of specialists to advanced social experience, modern practices and interaction technologies; new tools of influence also require the task of updating the system of values and motives of behavior, in particular, the values of education, the motivation to receive it, the activity of the individual.References
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