Features of the marketing activities implementation in the education.


  • D. V. Bilenko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




marketing activities implementation, the university marketing strategy


The article analyzes the theoretical base and research results of effective university management in practice, discusses the main problems of modern higher education in Ukraine, proves the need to identify the main features of the marketing activities implementation in the education, based on which a complete marketing strategy will be proposed. The first feature that should be considered when introducing marketing activities in the education is that in most cases the decision-making person is not a consumer of the educational service. That is, the target audience is not only the applicant, but also his parents, and the motives must satisfy both. The second feature is that traditional methods of advertising are not only ineffective, but also reduce the "value" of universities in the consumer’s eyes. The last feature is the fact that, satisfying the criteria of the applicant as a future consumer of educational services, the university can refuse to provide them. If we consider each of these features separately, then there are enough tools for effective marketing activities. If we consider them in aggregate, then, in the conditions of excess of supply over demand, the reduction in requirements for applicants will lead to a larger annual recruitment but will reduce the number of positive informational messages about the training level at the university. The resulting contradiction requires the development and marketing strategy implementation that would satisfy each of the considered features in the complex.

Author Biography

D. V. Bilenko, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

к.е.н., доцент кафедри бізнес-статистики та економічної кібернетики


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