The region image in the conditions of tourist clusters development.
region, territory, image, tourist cluster, tourism sphere, territorial marketing, cluster approach, innovation model, competitiveness, integrationAbstract
The subject of the study is the image of the region as a result of the operation of tourist clusters. The purpose of the article is to justify the peculiarities of forming the image of the region in terms of creation and activation of tourist clusters. Methodological basis of the research consists of methods of logical generalizations, deduction, induction, conducting analogies, complex and system analysis, method of comparisons.
The article deals with tourism sphere clustering and its influence on the regional image. It reveals the distinctive features of tourist clusters, their role in the development of territories. It points out the structure of the cluster, its main components; reviews the world experience of forming tourist clusters, as well as the state of Ukraine in this area. It establishes that in Ukraine the process of implementation of cluster model of economic activity organization is in the stage of formation. The article also considers the directions of clustering processes distribution through promotion of the territory image. It is proved that the tourist cluster serves as a catalyst for regional integration, popularization of values and plays an important role in the formation of national consciousness. It is substantiated that due to cluster technologies, a single comprehensive picture of the region is formed, which, with the help of territorial marketing tools, is transformed into an image. The author emphasizes the special role of tourist clusters for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, namely, the reduction of barriers to entry into the markets of products and supplies of raw materials, labor force, development of business activity. It should be noted that the image of the cluster is transferred external to the cluster partners and to individual enterprises.
The scope of application of the studies’ results is state and regional management in the context of the formation and promotion of a positive image of territorial structures. As a promising direction for further research are the development of diagnostic tools for regional image, the implementation of world experience in forming tourist clusters and the creation of innovative tourism management structures.
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