Disposition of Ukraine in the global innovative space.


  • A. Temerbek Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




innovation, innovation activity, economic growth, competitiveness, index


The article offers a detailed analysis of Ukraine's disposition in the global innovation space, namely, the assessment of positioning in global innovation indexes, global competitiveness index and human development index. When considering the dynamics of positioning by subindexes, the strengths and weaknesses of the Ukrainian innovation system are identified. So, the drivers of innovative development of Ukraine include human capital, which is competitive by its quality of education and professional qualifications, and the capacity of the domestic market. The components that cause the critical lag of the Ukrainian innovation system include the macroeconomic environment in the country and the development of institutional support. It is determined which countries are leaders in the global innovation space, that made it possible to distinguish the competitive advantages of these countries. On the basis of the analysis it was concluded that for the development of innovations in Ukraine it is necessary first of all to create an effective institutional environment that will ensure economic growth, the development of talents and the enhancement of the level of human development.

Author Biography

A. Temerbek, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



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