Modern processes of the retailer’s responding to global tendencies of the purchase behaviour.
global global retail, purchase behaviour, strategic development, innovation, retail storesAbstract
The article considers the modern processes taking place in the global retail market. The analysis of the world’s purchase behaviour tendencies has been conducted, and possibilities of their development in future perspective have been considered.
The scheme of the process of the global retail strategic development has been offered. This process includes the following components: planning a scenario of the global retail development, which is carried out on the basis of the study of the consumer’s driving forces; the funnel process, which helps to understand and satisfy expectations, needs and desires of the consumer market; brainstorming for key ideas related to future scenarios of the global retail development and lies in the fact that the driving forces exercise the strong influence on the daily rhythm and the consumer’s purchasing characteristic properties.
The main scenarios of the retail store future development have been defined – multichannel and multi-format approaches. The factors of success for the development of the store have been established on the basis of the retail experience system, which include innovations at the level of a product, sales, technologies, as well as intuition, cooperation and creativity of the retail network.
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