Specification of design, selection, exciplation of innovations: behavioral aspect.
innovative value, cognitive distortion, behavioral dysfunction, heuristicsAbstract
Increasing complexity and uncertainty of the environment inhibits the adaptive ability of innovation-oriented enterprises, steadily reducing the market demand for the results. The search for the reasons for the irrelevance of the innovative values being created required the scanning of the stages of designing, selecting and exploiting innovations in the search for behavioral dysfunctions that distort the basic processes of interaction between the enterprise and the consumer. Starting from the bisystemic notions of human thinking, its phenomenology is demonstrated within the specified stages, and a basic list of cognitive distortions is revealed and systematized, which introduces a discord between the created innovation value and consumer expectations. It is shown that traditional engineering technologies for designing innovations are cognitively limited in conditions of increasing complexity of social and market processes. Introduction to the plane of the epistemic innovation management knowledge of the dysfunctional behavior allows to simulate situational strategies to neutralize them to enhance the adaptive capacity of the enterprise and to maintain the dynamic balance of its business processes with the external environment.References
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