Features of risk management of bank deposits in conditions of economy transformation.


  • A. Maniatovska Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
  • V. Volkova Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University


deposit risk, deposit resources, deposit policy, deposit


Deposit risks are an integral part of a bank's activity and arise when a banking institution executes passive operations. Early withdrawal of deposit funds by depositors of the bank, insufficient funds to repay liabilities, even on small volumes, can lead to a decrease in the liquidity and solvency of the banking institution, to cause panic among depositors and to stipulate bank bankruptcy. That is why, implementation of effective risk management of the bank in the conditions of an unstable market environment necessitates the definition of the main trends in the field of deposit risk management of the bank, which will allow to take effective management decisions, designed to minimize the negative effects of deposit risk.

The research conducted has the following results. The essence of deposit risk of the bank is investigated. The problems of bank deposit risk management at the present stage of development of the banking sector of Ukraine are substantiated. The tendencies of development of the deposit services market in Ukraine and the consequences of the impact of deposit risk on banks' activity are described. The dominance of short-term deposits in the structure of liabilities of banks is established. The tendency of growth of volume of foreign currency deposits in the deposit portfolio of Ukrainian banks is shown. The dynamics of deposit deposits of Ukrainian banks by currency and terms of placement is given. Proposed measures to increase the efficiency of management of deposit risks of banking institutions of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

A. Maniatovska, Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University

Master’s degree

V. Volkova, Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Docent


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