Trends and peculiarities of credit activities of national banks at the present stage of economic development.
credit portfolio, credit policy, profitability, credit portfolio risk, loan portfolio managementAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of trends and peculiarities of credit activity of national banks at the present stage of economic development. The results of a study of statistical material characterizing the development of the modern banking system are presented. The article defines the main elements of the credit management system, reviewed the structure of the loan portfolio of commercial banks in Ukraine, and analyzed the effectiveness of managing the loan portfolio by comparing the key management parameters - profitability and risk. The essence of the traditional and non-traditional approaches to the management of the bank's loan portfolio is disclosed. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve the efficiency of managing the lending activities of domestic banks by optimally forming and managing the loan portfolio with the minimum possible level of risk. Forecasting of credit risk is suggested to be implemented using the matrix of credit decisions.References
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