Innovative development of labour market: risks and possibilities.


  • V. Chuvardynskyi Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Київ


innovative development of labour market, risks, possibilities, flexibilization of the labour market


The possibilities and risks of innovative development of the labour market are investigated due to the technologization of society and the flexibilization of the labour market. It is proved that the innovative development of the labor market implies the need taking into account the demographic, economic, social and institutional preconditions, the realization of which stimulates or disincentive the increase of the innovative content of employment. It is substantiated that opportunities of innovative development of the labor market (on the basis of generation and introduction of innovations, strengthening of innovation activity of enterprises) can be realized only on the basis of mobilization of demographic, economic, social and institutional factors of development. It is proved that in order to realize the possibilities of innovative development of the labor market, it is necessary to increase the level of readiness of society and the population for the perception of innovations. The main directions of minimization of negative consequences were elaborated taking into account the influence of demographic, economic, social and institutional factors on the strengthening the innovative character of employment.

Author Biography

V. Chuvardynskyi, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Київ

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