The professional education in Ukraine: problems and prospects of development in system of state personal policy.


  • O. Doronina Донецький національний університет (м.Вінниця)


professional education, labour market, state personal policy


The article is sanctified to the study of problems and prospects of development of professional education in Ukraine in the system of state personal policy. It is marked that the system changing of education role in life of society is characterized by globalization of educational space, height of demand on higher education, appearance of society of knowledge and considerable changing of role and functions of universities in society.

It is set that forming of skilled potential in Ukraine takes place mainly in higher educational establishments. For the home system of professional education characteristic is predominance of amount of vocational educational establishments above higher educational establishments on a background the general tendency of reduction to their amount the last years. Thus, amount of graduating students of higher educational establishments learning more, than in two times exceeds the amount of the skilled workers produced by vocational establishments.

The basic problems of professional education development in Ukraine and direction of its reformation are certain among that the special role is taken to the practical orientation of higher education and its orientation on the perspective necessities of labour market, to development of mechanism of trilateral co-operation of the state, employers and educational establishments in relation to preparation of the innovative oriented worker, to perfection of management by the system of professional education in Ukraine.

Author Biography

O. Doronina, Донецький національний університет (м.Вінниця)

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