Public-private partnership in the field of vocational and higher education.


  • O. Moskvichova Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця)


public-private partnership, the state, private business, vocational education, higher education, social responsibility, and grants


The article deals with public-private partnership (PPP) in the field of vocational and higher education. There were grounded capabilities and efficiency of implementation of PPP mechanisms in this area to solve its pressing problems and speed up its reforming. The state of cooperation between the public sector, private business and universities was analyzed, and also it was taken into account the impact of this interaction on society. Estimation of prospects of application of major PPP mechanisms in the field of vocational and higher education are conducted. We consider the obstacles that hinder the implementation of these mechanisms. The basic directions of PPP in higher education were outlined. It is noted that the development of technology parks, resource centers and so on provides PPP in research, experimental development and other science and technology achievements to create innovative products, improve technology processes as well. It was considered more detail the social partnership between business, state and educational institutions, which is non-economic form of cooperation and grant funding. It is concluded that the implementation of PPPs in the area of vocational and higher education in Ukraine is possible and it can effectively solve pressing problems in the field and speed up its reforming.

Author Biography

O. Moskvichova, Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця)

к.е.н., провідний інженер, економічний факультет


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