Using the "japanese model" of personnel management in TNK.


  • M. Shkurat Донецький національний університет


HR, TNK, Japanese model, corporation, human resource management, strategy, management


The theoretical essence of "Japanese model" of management personnel. A comparison of American and Japanese models of personnel management. Conceptual diagram of human resources, characteristics of Japanese management and key strategies in personnel management, basic management level in Japanese organizations. The features of the decision making process in Japanese corporations. Investigated the use of models in Japanese corporations in the current context of globalization and trans nationalization of the economy. An identified deficiencies in the practical application of the model of modern multinationals. The conclusion on the effectiveness of the use of "Japanese model" of management personnel in modern transformations.

Author Biography

M. Shkurat, Донецький національний університет

ст. викладач кафедри міжнародних економічних відносин


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