Impact of information society in unemployment.


  • O. Anisimova Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця)


information and communication technologies, unemployment, employment, information society, professional structure


The article analyzes the impact of information and communication technologies in business, the public and the government. The contribution of ICT to GDP growth (%) for the 1995-2014 biennium. And mechanisms to counter the growth of unemployment, to compensate for the potential threat of the automation level and conditions of employment. Such mechanisms include: the use of new technologies stimulates the emergence of new jobs; enhanced competitiveness and productivity increases the demand for labor; Automation should contribute to higher productivity, leading to higher wages or increased employment, reduced need for labor is transformed into a shorter working day.

Put forward the hypothesis of the existence of feedback between the unemployment rate and the level of adoption of new technologies: the most technologically developed countries have the lowest unemployment rate and vice-versa.

The introduction of high-tech leads to the formation of a new professional structure. The impact of information and communication technologies in the professional structure is shown in the following trends: increasing the number of highly qualified specialists (people with higher education, about 25-30%), not only in industry but also in the services sector; reducing the number of persons occupying the average level of qualification in the pyramid.

It is concluded that the professional activity of the vast majority of workers have started using ICT, ie with the help of information began to receive additional economic benefits. Benefits are given to those who have the skills to use new technologies. However, even the poor receive some benefits through indirect effects on employment creation and improving access to the market and analyzed the benefits of digital technologies for workers and consumers.

The employment rate is not determined by how rich production machines and robots, and, above all, that part of the world market, is able to capture an enterprise or industry. And it no longer depends on the introduction of robots and their amounts and how they are used.

In the information society, there is a growing divide between the majority of the working population and the cost of production. Production of information is the most essential and fundamental reason for the new information economy. Manufacturers of information that make up a minority of the working population, produce most of the cost.

Author Biography

O. Anisimova, Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця)

д.е.н., професор, завідувач кафедри інформаційних систем


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