Adaptation of the military personnel transferred to the reserve as the instrument of ensuring their competitiveness in labor market.


  • E. Abramov Донецький національний університет (м.Вінниця)


labor market, adaptation, social adaptation, professional adaptation, employment, competitiveness, the military personnel transferred to the reserve


In article importance of ensuring adaptation of the military personnel transferred to the reserve in the context of their further entry into the labor market is proved. It is noted that in ensuring competitiveness in modern labor market social and professional adaptation, namely development of conduct rules and communications in the civil environment and specialized improvement of the available professional knowledge, skills or mastering new and further successful employment are important.

Activity of the state, public and international organizations which are engaged in adaptation of the military personnel is analysed. Disadvantages of the existing system of social adaptation of the studied social and demographic group are allocated. Need of formation of institutional and material providing of adaptation of the military personnel transferred to the reserve as the instrument of increase in their competitiveness in labor market is defined.

Author Biography

E. Abramov, Донецький національний університет (м.Вінниця)

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