Opportunities for sharing the europian anticorruption experience in Ukraine.


  • L. Sytnyk Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця


The article deals with the basic tenets of the Law of Ukraine “On the principles of prevention and countering corruption”, the content and compositions of corrupt administrative offences and crimes under the current legal basis of Ukraine and European countries where patronage, illegal weapon trade, abuse of honours, restriction of tender and bid competition, buying and selling of positions are regarded as corrupt crimes, and there are specialized anticorruption departments in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Office of Public Prosecutor, the Custom House and Fiscal Administration. Studied is the impact of corruption on territorial reform, the display of corruption in executive bodies an local self-government with regard to land issues.

Analysed are the features of the anti-corruption legislation and measures taken in European countries (the UK, France, Germany, Finland and Denmark). These measures will enable to efficiently prevent corruption among Ukrainian officials. Among the types of responsibility determined are: criminal, administrative, civil and disciplinary. These measures must be taken regardless the motives of a bribe-taker and the fact that they did not commit a corrupt activities act.

Author Biography

L. Sytnyk, Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця

д.е.н., професор кафедри менеджменту


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