Integration of local communities of the settlements as a mechanism to enhance municipal economic development.


  • G.L. Monastyrskyi Ternopil National Economic University


territorial communities, administrative-territorial structure, administrativeterritorial reform, municipal economic development, local self-governance


Reform of local government and administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine on the basis of strengthening local governments, deepening the decentralization of power, using the model of interaction in the relationship of central and local governments is required and necessary for its development. However, this reform cannot be formal, unreasonable, unbalanced, and the one that masks impropriety and archaisms of existing territorial administration model. Its implementation requires a joint coordinated political will of the country's top leadership with taking into account the interests of territorial units of different hierarchical levels. In discussions about the administrative-territorial reform too much attention is given to bureaucracies, and modeling the organizational structure of government. But for ordinary people, after all, it matters less whether it is local governments or state authorities to provide them with all the necessary services. A person to whom the authorities have to provide quality services should be in the center of the reform. It is therefore necessary to begin with the establishment of social standards of living that are to be guaranteed by the authorities. These parameters should be backed up by sources of material and financial support.

Author Biography

G.L. Monastyrskyi, Ternopil National Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Management and Public
Administration Department


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