Comparative and morphological analysis of the essence of innovation activity's basic categories.


  • A.V. Karpenko Запорізький національний технічний університет


innovation, novation, nnovation, development, innovation activity


The article deals with the essence and etymology of the scientific category «innovation». It is determined that the emergence of innovations brings to balance in economic system and stimulates economic growth. A comparative and morphological analysis of basic categories of innovation activity has been made. The distinctive features of such categories as «novation», «nnovation» and «innovation» and the need of their differentiation have been substantiated.

On the basis of summarizing the results of domestic and foreign studies the following conclusion can be made: novation is a certain element of developments, the initial stage of the life cycle of innovation within its documentation. Nnovation are defined as a designed result of scientific and technological solutions, that are prepared for implementation or sale. Innovation is the end result of commercialization nnovation at obtaining a certain effect or their combination.

It is determined that innovation acts I the form of process and change (as dynamic category), in the form of object and result (as static category) and stage of life cycle of innovation. Innovation is interdisciplinary in its nature and is an activity that provides commercial use of new ideas, techniques or technologies that is materialized final result of investment into the intellectual activity.

It is established that the inaccuracy in determining innovation by the legislation, lack of its understanding and sustainable differentiation from other related categories, using distorted statistics do not reflect the real picture of innovations in Ukraine. It is proved that under current conditions it is necessary to promote not only the creation of innovation, but their purchase and implementation, modernization of equipment and technologies that involve the process of internal development and improvement, intensification and increased efficiency of production and to form an innovative literacy of population.

The development of innovation requires the development of human resources (while it is a consequence of this development), formation of a new work mentality in terms of development and implementation of innovation, assimilation of professional knowledge related to new economic activities. The concentration of innovation, that is the channel of implementation of people intelligence’s achievements and scientific and technological results through the process of their diffusion, will contribute to the development of the national economy.

Author Biography

A.V. Karpenko, Запорізький національний технічний університет

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