The peculiarities of competition in tourism.


  • O. Tregubov Донецький національний університет


competition, competitive, tourism, tourist industry, a systematic approach, mega, macro, meso, micro levels of management


The paper theoretically grounds and specifies the nature and content of the concept of competition in tourism; reveals the specifics and peculiarities of competition in tourism, conditioned by a close relationship and interdependence between the various levels of competition in tourism. The interrelation of competition at the mega, macro, meso - and micro level of tourism management has been well founded. The research states that the synergistic effect of the competitiveness in tourism reveals itself when competitiveness is ensured at all levels. In developing the concept of how to increase competitiveness at any level of tourism it is advised that a systematic approach be used to coordinate the competitiveness of the subjects of the tourist market at all levels. There has been studied the interrelation of competition and economic coordination of the subjects of the tourist market. It is concluded that with proper coordination between the subjects of the tourist market it is possible to significantly enhance the competitiveness of the tourism system as a whole.

Author Biography

O. Tregubov, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки підприємства


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