Methodical approach to the regulation of incomes of the population in terms of social stratification.


  • A. V. Semenchenko Харківський національний економічний університет ім. С. Кузнеця


methodical approach, income policies, social stratification, clustering, optimization


The issues of improving the living standards of the population are always in the spotlight of society. In the period of 2000 to 2015 in Ukraine were significantly improved basic social standards, wages, pensions, scholarships, various types of assistance, and the like. However, public evaluation of the existing system of social protection is negative. Most Ukrainians believe their wealth is low, and the income is insufficient.

The purpose of the article is to study income growth of wage earners and welfare of the population of Ukraine, as well as in the provision of proposals, realization of which will allow to realize revenue growth. In the article the analysis of the income of employees of industrial enterprises of the Kharkiv region and the group "population". It is proved that the structure of income affects the level and quality of life of the population. The hypothesis regarding the fact that the larger percentage in the structure of income is wages, the lower the quality of life of employees of the enterprises and the population in General. The income growth of employees and the welfare of the population of Ukraine is difficult as the effects of the economic crisis, and structural problems of social policy. The system of social benefits is exaggerated. The analysis of sectoral specialization of economic regions. To determine the budget forming sectors of economic regions, we investigated the size of the gross regional product and volume of sales for the regions of Ukraine. The author developed the algorithm of introduction to companies tax breaks. It is concluded that the income levels and sources needs to be optimised in three areas: government, enterprise, citizen.

Author Biography

A. V. Semenchenko, Харківський національний економічний університет ім. С. Кузнеця

аспірант кафедри управління персоналом та економіки праці


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