International activation experience in innovation development of countries.


  • V. Hurova Донецький національний університет МОН України
  • A. Korepanova Донецький національний університет МОН України


Global Innovation Index, an innovation input sub-index, innovation output sub-index, innovation efficiency ratio


The article analyzes the rating marks of the global innovation index of leading innovative countries in the world. The factors of influence on innovative activities are determined and there are organizational, economic, social and legislative. The structure of the global innovation index and its components had been considered, together they form the value of the innovation efficiency ratio. The essence of the concept of "innovation input sub-index " had been studied, and it consists of institutional environment, human capital, infrastructure, market experience and business experience, and "innovative output sub-index", which includes received knowledge and technology and the results of creative activity. The movement of the leading innovative countries on the GII rating had been analized in dynamics, as a result detected relative constancy of leading countries had been detected. The relative change of positions of the leading innovative countries had been shown in the ranking of global innovation index. It was revealed that most of the changes were reached by the UK and USA, significantly rising up and taking the top five positions among innovative countries in the world. The indicators of efficiency factors of innovation are considered, and as a result a high level of innovative development is revealed, which explains the objective occupation of the leading positions in the ranking of GII. The basic principles of the state innovation policy of Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United States had been determined. The features of innovative development of these countries had been shown. The factors of successful development of the innovation system of each specific country had been determined. It was revealed that the most relevant areas of development of innovative potential of the studied countries is the establishment of cooperation between the state and society , creation of conditions promoting to the development of science and education, full support of scientific research and studies, the formation of an effective system of incentives for innovation of the private sector, their involvement in the implementation of innovative projects and financial support of venture innovation funds from the state. A comparative method and the method of relative differences had been used during the research.

Author Biographies

V. Hurova, Донецький національний університет МОН України

к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту

A. Korepanova, Донецький національний університет МОН України

аспірант кафедри менеджменту


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