Theory and the genesis of the concept of the marketing distribution policy.


  • A.O. Grechukha Національний університет біоресурсів та природокористування


marketing distribution policy, sales policy, marketing researches


The article examines the history of origins and development of the concept of marketing distribution policy. The determinations of this concept in publication of domestic and foreign scientists is collecting and analyzing in article. It is highlighting current differences in the interpretation of this concept in the works of scientists, their causes and consequences. It has been proved that the set of marketing activities, which are used in the planning, production and promotion of products, is an integral part of distribution policy in marketing. Attention is drawn to the fact of the role changing of the consumer and his opinions in the process of the modern sales of production. It is concluded that the marketing distribution policy is more broad and voluminous concept than sales policy. Based on the work of Ukrainian and international scientists it is analyzing the tasks of distribution policy in marketing and their classification. It admits the necessity of the integration of marketing in the processes of planning, production, and sales promotion. On the top of main tasks of strategic and tactical planning, decision-making on the construction and development of sales channels, it should also add means of communication with customers and partners, marketing research and building a feedback channel to this policy.

Author Biography

A.O. Grechukha, Національний університет біоресурсів та природокористування

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