Youth employment: modern tendencies and development perspectives.


  • K.V. Bondarevska Університет митної справи та фінансів


youth employment, labour market, education market, self-employment, state employment policy, social and labour relations


In the article the features of youth employment in modern conditions are considered; the stage and dynamics of the main indicators of this sphere are defined. In consequence of research the practical recommendations concerning the solution of youth employment problem in Ukraine were grounded, particularly in the context of effective state youth policy and providing of tripartite partnership of government, business and education. This will be reflected in the coordination of efforts in the process of solving the problem aspects of youth employment between the public authorities, businesses and educational institutions. Among the main directions of solving the problem of youth employment are next: the improvement of legislative foundation in the context of preferential taxation of enterprises that employ young workers; the renovation of educational standards and participating of employers in the educational process, realization of common lectures, seminars and workshops; the consolidation of efforts of educational institutions and employers to practical training, internships for students and employment for graduates; scientific and technical developments and projects commissioned by business structures. Also among the necessary directions of problem solving it is identified the stimulation of self-employment and entrepreneurial activity of young people, and realization of preventive measures of youth employment policy. The important aspect of the process of task solving is the necessity of using of progressive foreign experience and its adaptation to domestic realities.

Author Biography

K.V. Bondarevska, Університет митної справи та фінансів

к.е.н., доцент кафедри управління персоналом та економіки праці


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