State crisis management healthcare industry.


  • Mohammed A. Y. Alshrafi Полтавська державна аграрна академія


crisis management, the state functions, tasks, principles phase, the medical industry


Given the current state of crisis, health care, particularly needs of the state intervention in the market, arising the branch. Due to the imperfect state of crisis management medical industry is objective in changing the content of the basic functions of state bodies implemented during crisis management. The state's role in regulating the health sector particularly strong impact on the implementation of measures to modernize the sector.

The main purpose of crisis management public health sector should be: improvement of the financing industry, improve the quality and efficiency of health care, preserve and improve public health. The main objectives of public health sector crisis management covering the quality of medical care, welfare of employees, social responsibility, profit. Outlined the principles of crisis management medical sector: systemic approach, the adequacy of the real situation in the branch optimality awareness.

Crisis management tasks include the definition of indicators for assessing the crisis, the development of diagnostic techniques crisis, infrastructure development of information, the definition of public regulation, staffing, ensure the reliability of the formation of information base and documentation of formation programs to address the impact of the crisis. The content of the functions of crisis management is closely linked to the decision of the three types of problems: early diagnosis and analysis of the crisis; emergency response and implementation of preventive measures; development of measures to overcome the crisis. Grounded tasks and functions of the state in the phases of crisis management controls.

The prospect of further research is the creation of areas and activities that are anti-crisis program based on regional characteristics and development strategy of medical institutions.

Author Biography

Mohammed A. Y. Alshrafi, Полтавська державна аграрна академія

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