Features of work of the state employment service of Ukraine with certain categories of unemployed persons.
labor market, labor force, labor activity, unemployment, Internally displaced persons, employment serviceAbstract
This publication describes the problems associated with the employment of the internally displaced persons of the Donetsk, Luhansk regions, Crimea and the military personnel, retired from the antiterrorist operation combat zone in the East of Ukraine. The conditions, which affecting this part of the population, reflect the need for improved government management to regulate the economic situation and the determination of the main tasks of the state policy, which could lead to reducing unemployment of population of Ukraine. The article presents a general analysis of the state policy of employment and economic activity of IDPs and military personnel in the period from 2014 to 2017. In recent years, the employment service significantly reformatted its activity, directing it to overcome the challenges on the modern labor market of Ukraine. Thereby, this article shows the main aspects of development programs of Ukrainian national economic system, which provide slightly improvement of quality of life for these categories of the: the creation of new jobs, the use of atypical forms of employment, establishment of small business development self-employment. Years of building an independent state and reforming the economic system of Ukraine is characterized by lack of decision on the proper level of problem solving in sphere of the labour market of the country, when new categories of unemployed persons were added in these years.References
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