World experience evaluation gender inequality.
gender, gender inequality, gender policy, integrated indexes, system of indicators of assessment, measurement technique, social and economic development, quality of lifeAbstract
The problems of gender inequality remain in most areas of our lives nowadays. Gender inequality hampers development of society finds confirmation in the following negative consequences: reduced productivity, slowing economic growth, decreasing the level and quality of life and others. The article describes the concept of gender equality and inequality. The aim of the article is to study international experience in the assessment of gender inequality, to analyze and to systematize of the existing theoretical and methodological approaches. The article presents the basic methodological tools to measure existing inequalities in opportunities between men and women, recently used: index of gender development, index of gender inequality, gender gap index, index of gender equality, index of social institutions and gender and others. It is noted that there is a need to develop universal methods of measuring gender inequality that can as much as possible to cover all aspects of human life and give the most objective assessment of gender imbalance. Some statistics are analyzed and it was indicated the position of Ukraine in various world rankings on equality between women and men. The necessity of constant analysis of gender disparities in the Ukrainian society to identify areas of business and social life that have the greatest gender issues and require intervention and decision are emphasized.References
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