The formation of the energy strategy of an enterprise.


  • O. М. Lyzunova Індустріальний інститут ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет»


energy resources, potential of the enterprise, management strategy, resource consumption, energy efficiency, energy consumption


The article considers the issues of strategic management of the energy component of the enterprise. Analyzed the concept, the categories, conditions and factors of increasing the efficiency of enterprises. The paper compares the views of Ukrainian and foreign specialists on the formation of the energy strategy of the enterprise. The essence of energy monitoring the basic aspects of strategic business management. Identified the main approaches to the study of this problem. Considers issues of strategic management of economic potential of the enterprise. The article reflects on the reasons to manage energy efficiency of the enterprise in modern conditions of managing. The efficiency of the enterprise activity from the point of view of profitability. Analyzed factors influencing energy consumption at industrial enterprises. Examines the nature of power consumption in two aspects: energoekonomichnostju and socioeconomic. It details the stages of development of the energy strategy of the enterprise. The article elaborates on the reasons to regulate the energy consumption of the enterprise in modern conditions of managing.

Author Biography

O. М. Lyzunova, Індустріальний інститут ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет»

доцент, к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту


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