Organizing and methodological support government regulation and market analysis of the youth labor market.
youth labor market, transformation, organizational and methodological support, monitoringAbstract
not embedded in the overall concept of transformations of the economy. This adversely affects the socio-economic development of the state, and as a result of supply and demand imbalance in the youth labor market. The article is to develop organizational methods of state regulation and labor market analysis of youth in the processes of transformation of the economy. The paper used the methods of analysis and synthesis, systems analysis, structural and logical analysis. Grounded and developed organizational methods of state regulation and analysis of the youth labor market on the basis of monitoring. The feature of the proposed study is methodological support potential of the youth labor market, organizational support and balance supply and demand. The main functions of monitoring the youth labor market at the Kharkov region performs Kharkiv regional employment center and the Department of Statistics in the Kharkov region. The monitoring process based on the accumulation of information, research information on specific areas and development proposals, preparation and decisionmaking between the public institutions of national and regional level. As a result, created an opportunity to respond to the dynamic changes of modern social and economic processes. A key element of public institutions, both national and regional level, given the state employment service.References
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