Methodology of regional economic risk analysis.


  • N. V. Burkina Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University


risks, economical risk, regional risk, risk classification, risk assessment, modelling of risks, forecasting of risks, risk management, methodology, risk analysis, brainstorming


The present paper provides an overview of the methodology of regional economic risk analysis. The article deals with the term “risk”, with different classification of the risks, and with methods of risk assessment. The emphasis is on the economic risk in the region. It’s considered different definitions of the risk and chosen that one, which is more fit to evaluation of the economical region risk. It’s also built the classification system of different kinds of risks, which is aimed to identification those of them, which are relate to the region risks. It is formed the system of risk assessment methods, which can be used for identification of different kinds of risks on the regional microlevel, for assessment region risks, for building economical and statistical models and as the result for receiving the statistical forecasting. Attention is paid to the method of brainstorming, which is the basis of all risk assessment methods. Other methods from the system will consider more detail in the future articles. They will apply to the assessment of the risk level of the region and to the making statistical and mathematical risk models.

Author Biography

N. V. Burkina, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

Phd, Associated professor


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