The efficiency factors of the marketing strategy of the export activities of enterprises.
export activities, marketing strategy, market fertilizers, factors of developmentAbstract
The purpose of this article is to study the factors affecting the formation and effectiveness of the marketing strategy of export activity of the enterprise for the production of mineral fertilizers. All factors are grouped into two groups: internal and external. It was found that the composition of the internal factors of organizational and managerial capacity of the industrial enterprise is a crucial element in the implementation of a coordination and regulatory functions of the fulfillment of the strategic objectives of the enterprise, due to the synergy of all the structural elements through the effective use of all existing and potential administrative and organizational resources. One of the key external factors that influence the formation and effectiveness of marketing activity of the enterprise export strategy are: the market dynamics and competitive environment. The characteristic lines of study in the chemical industry as a method to ensure an adequate level of human resource capacity in the industry enterprises. The structure of the formation of the technological potential of the industrial enterprise. Based on the fact that the main products of domestic manufacturers have a significant percentage of wear, it was structured methods of eliminating depreciation and the sources of their funding. The structure of the components and the formation of economic and legal aspects of the export business marketing strategy of the enterprise. A detailed analysis of the European market of mineral fertilizers, defined its trends and development directions.References
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