Accounting features of intangible assets, which belong to the group of property rights-of-use.
accounting features of intangible assets, property right-of-use, accounting of property right-of-use, assessment of rights of use, identification, intangible assets recognition criteria, legal regulation of accountingAbstract
The article is devoted to the accounting features of using such intangible assets as property right-of-use. The specificity of the property right-of-use leads to presence of conflicting views among researchers, practitioners, legislators. The article deals with ways of accounting displaying of these rights. To find an unambiguous approach of identifying the property right-of-use as intangible assets, analysis of existing recognition criteria and justification of its appropriateness in relation to the said rights were held. Research conclusions about justification of property right-of-use displaying ways emphasize the importance of a chosen accounting approach in terms of enterprise attractiveness, on the one hand and compliance of accounting principles as prudence and substance over form, – on the other hand. The analysis of the researched object into the regulatory framework has defined the nature of the property rights of use and formulated conclusions on the necessity to improve the existing rules in order to eliminate their controversial interpretation.References
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