The aspect of foreign investments of Vinnytsya region in up-to-date economical situation.


  • О. Fedortsova Vinnytsya Financial Economical University


Foreign economic politics, investment activity, corruption, essential changes, production development, Vinnytsya region


The article deals with the problems of foreign investments in Vinnytsya region and the number of issues connected with them. It says that in there is a great inner shortage of finances so it’s one has to look for the foreign investments as a solution to the problem. The term of foreign investment is given as well as the term of foreign investor. The names of wellknown scientists dealing with the problem are mentioned here. The author determines one has to solve the problems considering the tendencies of world financial crisis and globalization of economical relationships. The author emphasizes the increase of foreign investments which can bring serious changes in the development of production and financial condition of the country and its regions. The author mentions the importance of foreign investments under the conditions of globalization of economical relationships. The conditions of foreign investments of Vinnytsya region are analyzed. All the drawbacks of investment climate of Vinnytsya region are determined. The prospective of all ineffective methods are named and the ways of solutions to the problems. The data of foreign investments in industry of Vinnystya region are given in each field and also in agriculture.

Author Biography

О. Fedortsova, Vinnytsya Financial Economical University

PhD, senior lecturer  Department of Economics


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