Global production system in the global economy.


  • O. Grinchenko ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені В. Гетьмана»


globalization, internationalization, global production systems, global economy, economic growth, economic modernization


The article considers the nature and role of global value chains in the global economy. The author reveals peculiarities of functioning of production systems, emphasizing the importance of processes such as economic modernization and their impact on the performance of manufacturing systems in the economy. The work was researched and analyzes peculiarities of shaping global production systems and identifies their place in the world economy. In the article the author considers the role of developing countries as new drivers of global manufacturing. The author focuses on the need of formation and functioning of global production systems, which ultimately will lead to structural changes of the economy as a whole. Concretized benefits of efficiency of creation of global production systems for the major players of the process: countries where production system is located and the country, enterprises which invest their own funds, the latest technology in the development and modernization of production systems. It is found that increasing the performance of production systems will contribute to gradual achievement of economic growth of the country.

Author Biography

O. Grinchenko, ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені В. Гетьмана»

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