Conceptual framework of sustainable development strategies regions from the perspective of economic security.


  • Yu. Harazishvili Інститут економіки промисловості НАН України
  • V. Lyashenko Інститут економіки промисловості НАН України


strategy, sustainable development, region, economic security, the script, the integral index, adaptive approach, the strategic guidelines


The conceptual basis for the development of sustainable scenarios (social, ecological and economic) development within the constraints of economic security, including the following steps: identification - integrated assessment of the dynamics of sustainable development compared with integral thresholds; strategy development - the definition of strategic guidelines for sustainable development up to 2020 from the standpoint of economic security. A new solution to the main problems of the integrated assessment using modern mathematical methods, innovative components and a list of social, ecological and economic modernization indicators. For the scientific basis of strategic guidelines of ecological and socio-economic modernization of regions at the level of components and indicators proposed adaptive approach of management theory by solving the inverse problem of the synthesis of the desired values of the components (indicators) for finding the integral index within the given (or optimal threshold) values. Obtain scientifically based strategic guidelines for sustainable development of the Donetsk region until 2020 under different scenarios. The proposed approach is universal and can be used for any country or region economic region for development strategies scenarios for medium and long term.

Author Biographies

Yu. Harazishvili, Інститут економіки промисловості НАН України

д.е н., головний науковий співробітник

V. Lyashenko, Інститут економіки промисловості НАН України

д.е н., зав. відділом


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How to Cite

Harazishvili, Y. and Lyashenko, V. 2016. Conceptual framework of sustainable development strategies regions from the perspective of economic security. Economiсs and organization of management. 4(24) (Sep. 2016), 125-135.


