Information support personnel management in conditions of teamwork.


  • M. Shkurat Донецький національний університет


personnel management, information technology, software, personnel, labor potential, labor efficiency


The article deals with the questions of information support of personnel management in conditions of teamwork with the introduction of innovative technologies. It analyses dynamics and identifies global trends in the development of software in the field of personnel management. Conducted research on the use of domestic and foreign developments in this field. A comparison of the indexes of the scientific-educational sector and development of innovations to determine the direction of the impact on the domestic software market. The proposed model of continuous education of employees to increase educational rate in the enterprise. It is proved that the introduction and implementation of performance management work, to ensure a high level of efficiency of economic activities of the enterprise. It is proved that the accumulation of information resources is the starting point in the emergence and effective development of enterprises in the information economy.

Author Biography

M. Shkurat, Донецький національний університет

ст. викладач кафедри міжнародних економічних відносин


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