Forecasting the level of employment of the population of Ukraine.


  • C. Takhtarova Донецький Національний університет


labor market, labor force, labor activity, unemployment, international labor communication system


The interrelation between the gross domestic product, population and unemployment, their dependence on each other is shown in this publication. Examples which reflect the need of the state intervention for regulation of economic cycle and the main tasks of the state policy, which would lead to reduction of unemployment, are given. In article the main problems of the level of unemployment of Ukraine during the global financial crisis and its manifestation are designated. Besides, the general analysis of inspection of economic activity of the population is provided. In this regard, the main aspects of development programs of national economies of the countries of the world by means of which the situation considerably will improve are specified: creation of new workplaces, application of atypical work arrangements, formation of small business, development of an independent employment. Years of creation of the independent state and reforming of Ukrainian economy are characterized by lack of the solution on the proper level of problems of labor market performance. If the model of the labor market of developed countries is the result of evolution of social and economic relations, then in Ukraine it is rather a set of the spontaneous phenomena and actions. It is possible to come to such conclusion analyzing the fact that the labor market is almost not regulated now in Ukraine, deep crisis of the market proves it.

Author Biography

C. Takhtarova, Донецький Національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри управління персоналом і економіка праці


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