Marketing and efficiency social reproduction in retrospect economic development.


  • A. Taranych Донецький національний університет


social reproduction, marketing, sustainable development, strategy of innovative development, economic cycles, the scientific concept of marketing, competition, international competitiveness, information economy


A comparative study of the evolution theories of social reproduction and marketing in retrospect of the global economy. The features of influence on marketing varieties stages of social reproduction. The influence of marketing management processes of social reproduction, contributing to higher public consumption through increased efficiency of every stage of the reproductive process, which occurs by combining the production stage as the primary carrier of innovative ideas and entrepreneurial skills to product sales to end users (distribution, exchange and consumption products). The influence of the system of market relations in the genesis of marketing, through which the expansion took place instruments and types of marketing as adapting to a market that is constantly changing. Marketing policy of individual businesses linking social reproduction process in each country of the global division of labor the world economy. Courtesy essential interpretation of marketing as a philosophy of business and administrative activities aimed at strengthening the social reproduction by taking into account the interests of all contracting economic system.

Author Biography

A. Taranych, Донецький національний університет

канд. екон. наук, доцент кафедри маркетингу


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