Smart specialization concept for bio-oriented economy development: european experience.
bio-oriented economy, key of smart specialization, inclusive growth, renewable bio-resources, biotechnologies, agro-knowledge and innovationAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of principles of development of bio-oriented economy in the European regions through the prism of smart specialization. It is analyzed three forecasts of bio-oriented economy development to 2030. The first forecast assesses economic impact of potential bio-oriented economy in 2030 in conditions of stable technological progress and stable political environment. Other two scenarios are belletristic and define how different factors and events can influence on bio-oriented economy in future in the OECD countries and all over the world. In addition it is defined that European countries have the task of activation of innovation activity and results of investigations. In this context it is interesting for investigation the concept of smart specialization. The strategy of smart specialization realizes the concept on practice. The base of transformation process is the definition of priorities for development based on available advantages, knowledge and region potential.References
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