Social networks as a modern marketing tool of the brand promotion.


  • L. Ivanenko Донецький національний університет


social networks, brand platform, Internet – resources, personal space of a consumer, target audience, feedback


The article is devoted to the definition of the main features of modern social networks from the point of view of their usefulness for brand promotion to the markets and improving of its competitiveness. Social media definition means different kinds of Internet resources where users can register communicate and exchange information. The main goals of operation in social networks are brand promotion, clients supporting, brand reputation management and improvement of loyalty to it, monitoring of public opinion. It is defined that brand promotion via social networks solves such problems: detailed portrait of auditory composing; coming brand into personal space of a consumer; control of a brand image and opinion about it; improvement of loyalty and recognition; increase of sails through new mechanisms of marketing; brand, service and product advertisement. It is paid attention to the brand platform definition that means the complex of all groups in social networks where the brand operates and communicates with the target audience. It is estimated a range of indicators which reflect users’ attitude to the brand and information which a firm places about it.

Author Biography

L. Ivanenko, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри «Маркетинг»


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