System approach to value based management.


  • A. Voronin Донецький національний університет


value, value management, factors, valuation, strategy, company


The first priority for the Ukrainian economy in the coming years is the modernization, introduction of energy saving technologies, productivity growth, increase the competitiveness of domestic producers on foreign markets. Implementation of these objectives depends on the investments that owners and investors are willing to invest in business development. And one of the main factors of attraction acts enterprise value, so the enterprise value management is one of the most important aspects of increasing the investment attractiveness of the company. The article studies the enterprise value management system that allows senior management, investors and owners to make decisions that contribute to the growth of the enterprise value and dominance in the industry market. Studied the evolution of the economic "value" category. The necessity to assess the value of the enterprise, and the main approaches used to determine the value of the enterprise. It formed the main stages of the implementation of enterprise cost management system focused on providing cost effective enterprise management. The proposed enterprise value management system includes specific methods, approaches and metrics to evaluate the value of the enterprise and of the future effect on it.

Author Biography

A. Voronin, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доц. кафедри економіки підприємства


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