Economic aspect of innovative activity in the agricultural sector of Ukraine: problems and perspectives.


  • V. Bolgov Донецький національний університет
  • I. Galytskyi Донецький національний університет


agroindustrial complex, innovative activity, economy, strategy, financial provision, investments, profit, production


The article deals with the features of innovative activity and innovative development in the agricultural sector of Ukraine, economic aspects. Various aspects of innovative processes in the agricultural sector of Ukraine are investigated. The analysis of this problem in agroindustrial complex is carried out. Methodological principles and the economic innovative aspects of agroindustrial enterprises are discussed. Factors that suppress innovations in agroindustrial complex are viewed. The main problems of innovative development of the agricultural sector are examined. The need for regular researches of prospective assessment and directions of further innovative agricultural development of Ukraine are established. Statistics about factors, that restrain innovations in agroindustrial complex are listed in the table. Propositions that can be used in innovative politics of agricultural area of Ukraine are examined and basic required degree of implementation in state economy innovative development which takes into account consecutive solving of the urgent problems is estimated. Ways of innovative activity improvement in agroindustrial complex of Ukraine are determined.

Author Biographies

V. Bolgov, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки підприємcтва

I. Galytskyi, Донецький національний університет

студент I курсу магістратури, спеціальності «Економіка підприємcтва»


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