Formation of vision of the modern global branding: conceptual aspect.


  • O. Boienko Донецький національний університет


brand, trade mark, global branding, customers’ loyalty, global brand politics


The article is devoted to the formation of vision of modern global branding, namely its conceptual aspect. Ukrainian market is specific from the point of view of brand promoting, it is still attractive for the new foreign brands whose coming stimulates Ukrainian firms to make active ads supporting. In general characterizing branding in Ukraine it is possible to highlight some its special features: it is increased the number of brands which have “national colors”; it is risen the number of brands which have the elements of national symbolic. It is defined that effectiveness of global brand-management is explained by that global brand politics encourages reducing the unit cost of production (scale effect, simplification of process and integration of resources); scale effect is seen in the sphere of distribution; thanks to that in global company a product is universal and identic on all markets and the necessity of a new product creating disappears; global brand politics allows to reduce or avoid costs on adaptation to local brand, package and adverts conditions.

Author Biography

O. Boienko, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., завідуюча кафедрою маркетингу, доцент


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