Improving the method of the development of the corporate competence profile of a specialist.


  • H.V. Sereda Донецький національний університет


competence, competence profile, professional role, work analysis, staff selection, staff evaluation, staff development


The article is devoted to improvement of methods of developing the competence profile of a specialist on the enterprise level of the organization. The author summarizes the approaches to definition of concepts "competence", methodological approaches to the development of a profile of competencies, the necessity of the combination of both inductive (analysis of working behavior of successful and unsuccessful professionals) and deductive (job evaluation) approach in the definition of competencies. The methodological approaches to the ranging list and content of the stages of development of the competence profile of a specialist at the corporate level received further development. Investigates the concept of "professional role", based on the types of professional roles, and suggested the inclusion of professional roles in the competence profile of a specialist to pain the exact wording of the competencies. With a view to clearly defining the importance of specific competences for further assessment of the compliance of the characteristics of a candidate for the vacant position of the ideal competence profile is proposed to use the proportion of working time to perform functions and work tasks. The author's method of determining the importance of each competence in the competence profile was proposed in the article. The proposal submitted by the author, can be used in the practice of human resource management, recruitment and selection, personnel evaluation, and the development of adaptation programs and determining of development areas of a specialist, development programs for competency development of employees.

Author Biography

H.V. Sereda, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри управління персоналом та економіки праці


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