Formation mechanism HR-brand Dnipropetrovsk region: current state and development.


  • A.I. Tsybulko Університет митної справи та фінансів, м. Дніпропетровськ


HR-brand, personnel, technology, territorial marketing, brand the region


In the article the necessity of forming HR-employer brand by brand HR-forming region, the example of Dnipropetrovsk region. The modern goals of HR-branding Ukrainian companies and proved that the main component of the formation of territorial marketing is to build a sustainable HR-brand of a region (territory, entity, etc.), that is the human component plays a crucial role in its final position. The article shows that "consumers' brand in the region are mostly internal community (people residing in the region undertakings which it operates, local government), which is much more difficult to manage because of the heterogeneity of the structure. Thus, well-organized HR-branding, increasing the total capital of the company reputation, able to increase business value, quality change of human resources, and ultimately affect its financial performance. It is concluded that during the economic downturn of the country and the need of investments, the key role played by the competitive advantages of the region. That is why there is a need to create sustainable brands HR-regions, the main objectives of which is to attract skilled professionals and key specialists, motivating employees to achieve good results, increasing overall reputational capital of the region and improve the image of the region in the eyes of the target audience and attractiveness to investors.

Author Biography

A.I. Tsybulko, Університет митної справи та фінансів, м. Дніпропетровськ



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