Making buffer of financial stability on the basis of macroprudential regulation mechanism.


  • O.A. Laktionova Донецький національний університет


financial stability, systemic financial risks, financial flexibility and macroprudential regulation


The basic principles and elements of macroprudential regulatory framework that began to be implemented in Ukraine in order to reduce systemic financial risks and maintain a system-wide financial stability have observed the article. Particular attention is paid to the countercyclical macroprudential regulation, aimed at the accumulation of financial imbalances risks that strengthening cyclical movement of financial system. The urgency of expansion of the macro-prudential policies perimeter on the basis of the extent of coverage they select financial institutions and financial infrastructure in Ukraine have analyzed. The models of organization and functions of macroprudential regulation and trends in the formation of such a model in Ukraine have identified. In accordance with the principles of building an efficient model for reduction of systemic financial risk the most optimal variants of the organizational architecture for the prudential regulation of domestic financial sector have identified.

Author Biography

O.A. Laktionova, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., докторант кафедри фінансів і банківської справи


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How to Cite

Laktionova, O. 2016. Making buffer of financial stability on the basis of macroprudential regulation mechanism. Economiсs and organization of management. 1(21) (Jul. 2016), 127-142.


