State and dynamics of international investment.


  • L. Kapranova ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь


international investments, investment streams, multinational corporations, demand, globalization, world economy, national economy, global processes


The state and dynamics of international investments are examined in the article. The dynamics of international investments provided by the group of the World bank for period 2010-2014 is investigated. It is marked that the modern feature of investments is that having a different national origin but they intertwine and interact. They create international streams and grow into world investment resources that function in the single global investment space. It is marked that the basic sources for international investment streams are resources of the World bank and financial activity of multinational corporations. It is proved that 147 multinational corporations manage all world economy. It is marked that one of key moments is a riskiness of investments. There are a number of risks: political risks, risk of environmental disaster and non-commercial risk. The international investment streams play a considerable role in the economies of all countries, and Ukraine is no exception. Foreign investments not only provides mobilization, flow of the capital but also participate in organization of international division of labour through realization of competitive advantages of separate statesparticipants. But there is a considerable languor at the market of international investments during last years. The basic investment sources are group of the World bank, and activity of multinational corporations that on this time acts as a "circulatory system" of global economy.

Author Biography

L. Kapranova, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

доцент, к.е.н.


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