Economic performance of the meaning of the international cooperation in higher education.
higher education and international cooperation in higher education, the export of higher education services, higher education, effectivenessAbstract
It substantiates the leading role of higher education in the innovative development of the economy in all socio-economic conditions. It is proved that modernization of higher education depends on the degree of development and dissemination of international cooperation in this field, which was selected as a research subject. It was found that the export of higher education services is a special and potentially effective form of total exports, a source of filling the state budget. With the help of scientific methods of induction, deduction and analogy justified basic similarities export of higher education services and total exports to which such traits were classified as: quality, research intensity, elasticity of supply, dependence on investment and competition. Identified the differences between the export of higher education services and the overall export of the country, which are allocated to such features as: the nature of consumption, duration of need, and end user productivity. Achieved a detailed justification of the essence of each of the highlighted features of higher education services exports with a view to maximizing their account in the further development of a strategy to enhance international cooperation in the field of higher education at the university and national levels. The essence and sound economic growth in the effectiveness of international cooperation in the field of higher education. Concretized performance benefits of international cooperation in the field of higher education for the three main participants of this process: just a higher education institution, a country where it is located and the countries, enterprises which invest their own the latest technology in the development and modernization of the educational process of the school. It was found that increasing the effectiveness of international cooperation in higher education, thanks to the multidirectional positive action will contribute to the gradual achievement of the international economy traits of economic growth.References
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