The development of foreign economic activity of enterprises of Donetsk oblast in terms of ATO.


  • I. Khadzhynov Донецький національний університет


foreign economic activity, anti-terrorist operation (ATO), foreign trade turnover, export, import


The purpose of this article is to study foreign economic relations of enterprises of Donetsk Oblast. The unity of the modern world does not alter the global problems of peace and war as a factor in the survival of humanity as a whole, as the incessant local wars after World War II and then take lives and the number of victims has exceeded it. Because the causes of the folded Donbas lost (in many cases permanently) infrastructure, economic and human potential. Dramatic changes undergone settlement system and location of economic entities have changed the size and composition of the population, and as a result foreign economic activity of enterprises of Donbass as a whole and Donetsk region in particular. Large-scale military conflict undoubtedly negatively affect not too powerful economic potential. This is as a result of direct destruction of the economy of the region - the occupied part and Ukraine’s one - and due to this problem is directly linked to business. Implementation of a complex of urgent political, social and economic reforms now opens the door to a radical response, but also requires very precise coordination of specific innovations which is addressed to Donbass, with general that will spread throughout Ukraine, and with the commitments undertaken by our country under the association with the EU.

Author Biography

I. Khadzhynov, Донецький національний університет

доктор економічних наук., професор, проректор з наукової роботи


Стан зовнішньоекономічної діяльності [Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу:]

Відродження Донбасу: оцінка соціально-економічних втрат і пріоритетні напрями державної політики [Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу:].



