Prospects of using artificial intelligence in human resources management


  • O. Taranych Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • Yu. Starushkevych Gryshchenko Clinic-IVF



artificial intelligence, HR management, AI technologies, management automation, personnel management, employee


The article explores the prospects of using artificial intelligence in HR management. Artificial intelligence technologies continue to grow and develop rapidly. Companies increasingly turn to their use to maintain competitiveness and improve operational efficiency. This is explained by the capabilities provided by AI tools for HR professionals. The paper identifies ways to use artificial intelligence in performing key HR manager tasks and provides examples of specific tools that can be used in their work. The advantages and risks of using AI technologies are analyzed. It was found that artificial intelligence has already changed how HR specialists work, helping to solve routine tasks and providing more time for tasks requiring professional human skills. Despite this, it is determined that it is necessary to maintain harmony between the use of technological tools and humans, as the true value of HR management lies in human relationships that no AI tool can replace.

Author Biographies

O. Taranych , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Behavioral Economics

Yu. Starushkevych , Gryshchenko Clinic-IVF



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