Transformational changes in the sphere of employment in Ukraine in the context of providing social security
Employment, Transformational changes, Social Security, Risks, Informal employment, Labor marketAbstract
The article is devoted to the research of the specifics of transformational changes in the field of employment, determining the directions of employment transformation to ensure social security in the conditions of war and post-war recovery. It has been proven that transformational changes in the field of employment lead to changes in the nature of work, strengthening the role of adaptability and creativity skills for solving the set production tasks. It is substantiated that transformational changes in the field of employment in the conditions of war lead to an aggravation of social security risks associated with the spread of informal employment, an increase in the shortage of qualified workers, and an increase in difficulties with hiring workers. The main social risks in the field of employment related to the informal nature of secondary employment, or its minimization, insufficiently effective use of the available labor force, and an increase in the labor force deficit have been identified. As a result of the study of employment trajectories of Ukrainians (with the status of temporary protection) abroad, directions for stimulating their return to Ukraine were determined.
On the basis of the generalization of existing approaches to the study of the specifics of the development of the employment sphere, the directions for minimizing social risks associated with the negative impact of transformational changes in the employment sphere in the conditions of war are substantiated. Recommendations are offered for stimulating the development of innovative forms of employment that require creativity and adaptability to changes from employees in the conditions of post-war recovery.
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